2024 AILA QLD Annual Chapter Meeting (ACM)

AILA members and sponsors are invited to join the Chapter's annual meeting. This is a great opportunity to hear the Executive reflecting on the past twelve months, celebrating the achievements of the organisation and looking to the future. AILA Board member will give an update on AILA from a National level and moving forward.


The AILA QLD sub-committees will give updates on what has been happening around the state. Be part of this session to share your ideas with the Executive. Help to shape the direction and key advocacy platforms for supporting the growth of the profession and AILA QLD into the future and the lead up to the 2032 Olympic games. 

AILA has always advocated for greening our communities and strengthening this will be more important than ever. We would like to hear our members views on how landscape architects can leave a positive legacy for future generations.


- Record of attendance and apologies
- Acceptance of ACM Minutes from 2023 by full member
- Move a motion to Endorse Minutes circulated from the 2023 Annual Chapter Meeting.
- General Business – any questions on the minutes. Open to the floor for any questions
- Presentation Annual State Report including summary of financial performance   
-Updates from Qld sub-committees
- Update from the AILA Board
- Questions and discussion

Thanks to our Principal State Partner

24/07/2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time

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