Submissions to Government

The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) leads a dynamic and respected profession: creating great places to support healthy communities and a sustainable planet.

AILAs purpose for submitting to government is to ensure that the role landscape architecture is understood and respected by all levels of government.

Our work aims to assist federal government agencies by promoting policy solutions to create better design, planning and management outcomes for the natural and built environment. This work includes responses and submissions to discussion papers, draft legislation, and parliamentary inquiries.




GBCA Nature Roadmap for the Built Environment Discussion Paper
EPBC Act Nature Positive Submission

ASBEC National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper submission


Future Gas Strategy
Safeguard mechanism reform: consultation on proposed design
Advocacy Manifesto 2023


Climate Change Bill 2022



Uluru Statement from the Heart (Letter to Hon. Scott Morrison MP)
Uluru Statement from the Heart (Letter to Hon. Linda Burney MP)
Uluru Statement from the Heart (Letter to Hon. Warren Snowdon MP)
Uluru Statement from the Heart  (Letter to Hon. Ken Myatt AM MP)
National Cities Framework 
Tasmania submission: Mount Wellington Cableway Company (MWCC) tourism proposal.
Beetaloo Basin submission - July 2021


AILA's Submission Letter for the Climate Change Bill 2020
Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements
EPBC Act Submission
AILA Response to the National Registration Framework for Building Practitioners, Discussion Paper
Greener Places design guide: input into draft development


Federal Election

AILA has developed a coordinated election campaign to maximise the effort in advocating to candidates.

  • 2019 Election Platform: Greener, Liveable and Healthier Cities – a summary of the key policy positions AILA is advocating for in the lead up to the 2019 Election.
  • Template letter for members to send to local candidates – we need the support of members to help influence local candidates. A template letter summaries the key messages in the election platform and provides opportunities for local issues to be raised.
  • 2019 Marginal Seat Analysis – Margin seats can make or break a parties chances at securing office. There are a large number of marginal seats leading into this election. AILA National Advocacy Committee Chair, Daniel Bennett, has developed a summary of where the key marginal seats are to support the contact with local candidates. 



National Green Infrastructure Strategy:



AILA's Submission for the Inquiry into the Australian Government's Role in the Development of Cities
AILA's Review of Climate Change Policies
AILA's response to the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program Draft Guidelines


AILA's Smart Cities Plan
Federal Election Campaign - AILA's Election Responder
Labor Party Response to Election Responder
Coalition Response to Election Responder
Greens Plan to Cool Cities
Living Cities Workshop Report


AILA Infrastructure Australia Submission
Senate Inquiry into Storm-water management
Working Towards a National Clean Air Agreement Discussion Paper


Productivity Commission Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation
Murray Darling Basin Plan


Draft National Urban Policy
National Sustainable Population Strategy


National Building Energy Standard-Setting, Assessment and Rating Framework




Wind Energy Guidelines Submission | Draft transmission and solar table and Draft wind farm guideline table


MLC Building, North Sydney
Submission in support of climate and landscape sensitive management of utilities/protecting the urban forest
AILA Objection to Central Barangaroo
Review of Strategic Planning for NSW Housing Planning Policy
Gooriwal (Frenchmans Bay and Yarra Bay) Cultural Landscape
Gladesville Hospital Landscape




Draft wind energy guidelines
Building Bill 2023 - Licensing Proposals Submission and Answer Sheet
AILA Arts & Creative Industries Submission
Planning system and impacts of climate change on the environment and communities
HBA Review: Landscape Architects and Landscape Designers
Greenway, Vaucluse

Heritage Listings

Wingello Park
Little Bay Miocene Geological and Ochre Site
Gooriwal Cultural Landscape
North Beach Precinct, Cliff Road
Sydney Croquet Clubhouse
Bouddi Farm
Badangi Group
Toorale Homestead and Woolshed Precinct (Gazette)
All Saints Anglican Church, Bodalla (Gazette)



Comments and recommendations in support of the Central State Significant Precinct OSD
Response to NSW Treasury Infrastructure Advisory Standard Commercial Framework
Design and Place SEPP Draft Submission
Press Release 17.03.22 Planning Principles Backflip 'disappointing and counter productive'
Revised Large-Scale Solar Energy Guidelines  
Letter of Support Design and Place SEPP to Minister Roberts

Heritage Listings

Heritage NSW Climate Preparation Action Plan
Warragamba Dam Wall Raising
Appin Massacre Cultural Landscape
Arrawarra Headland and Stone Fish Traps
Ulong Timer sawmill and associated steam engines and machinery
Fitz Roy Iron Works
Little Bay Miocene Geological and Ochre Site
Billagoe (Mount Drysdale) Cultural Landscape Listing
Corrimal Coke Works Site
Lambing Flat Riot Site
Badangi Listing
Wingello Park, Goulburn
Barangaroo Central
Kameruka Golf Course
Glenlee, Lugarno



Objection Warragamba Dam
Advocacy Update 2021 - DPB Act
DPIE - Design and Place EIE
Design and Place SEPP Joint submission AILA AIA PIA
DPIE- White Paper for Parkland
White Paper for Parkland AILA Submission
Congratulations to Minister Stokes- Appointment as Minister for TforNSW
AILA Urges an Indigenous voice to Parliament
Penrith City Council's Employment Land and Green Grid Strategies
Opinion on naming of ‘Bradfield’
Draft Bays West Place Strategy
Design and Place SEPP EIE Submission to GA
Design and Place SEPP - Press Release 
Congratulations to Kathlyn Loseby – Appointment as CEO of the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA)
Congratulations to Anita Mitchell - Appointment as CEO Placemaking NSW 
Congratulations to Laura Cockburn – Appointment as Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) NSW President

Heritage Listings

Review Heritage Act 1977
Waterloo Creek Massacre Site - Jews Lagoon
Coffs Harbour Jetty
MLC Building 
World War II Aeroplane Hangar, Tocumwal
Balls Head Coal Loader Complex


Newcastle Recreation Reserve

Draft Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2020
Living Streets Discussion Paper 
Closure of Transport for NSW's Centre for Urban Design

Sisters of Mercy Convent Group, Singleton
The First Sikh Temple, Woolgoolga
Cumberland Conservation Plan
The 50 year Vision for Sydney's Open Space and Parklands and the Creation of the Greater Sydney Parklands Agency
Draft Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan
Extension of Curtilage of Existing Listing on the State Heritage Register
GANSW Draft Greener Places Design Guide
AILA NSW Table of detailed responses Submission
Greener Spaces Better Places
Support for increasing access to Crown Land occupied by golf courses
Wilcannia Post Office & Post Masters Residence Letter on Listing on the State Heritage Register
Notice of Intention to consider listing on the State Register
Letter of Support to Heritage Council NSW
Letter on Listing on the State Register
7 Principles for Landscape Architects in response to bushfires
NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry
NSW Independent Inquiry into the 2019-2020 Bushfire Season by Rupert Milne Home
State Heritage Register
Letter to the Hon. Rob Stokes re West Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Expressway Upgrade  


Letter of congratulations to Abbie Galvin on her GA NSW appointment
Appointment of Special Minister of State and Minister of Public Service, Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs and the Arts
Notice of Intention to consider listing on the State Heritage Register 
Letter of Concern to Ku-Ring-Gai Council
Letter of Concern to Community Engagement Senior Manager, NSW Department of Education
Letter of Support to Heritage Council NSW
Letter from Regional Heritage Manager to Mark Tyrrell directing St Peters Anglican Church as part of the State Heritage Register
Letter from Regional Heritage Operations Manager to Mark Tyrrell directing Hampden Bridge as part of the State Heritage Register
Heritage Group letter to SOPA
SOP Future Directions Framework


AILA NSW Landscape Heritage Report 
Report Vol 1&2
- 10 Nominations Vol 3
Non statutory database Vol 4

Everyone Can Play Submission
Greener Places Submission


Community Heritage Grant proposal for the AILA Identify Significant Open Space project
Greater Sydney Regional Plan
Feedback on New England North West Regional Plan:

Letter send to The Hon. Melinda Jane Pavey, MP:

Maintenance of adequate levels of green space in Sydney
Development Control Plan and Development Application
Clear Zone standards for a cooler and more beautiful NSW. Response received.
Review and comment on the GSC District Plans


Medium Density Design Guide
GSC Environmental Panel Report. Full Report.
Sydney Olympic Park Master Plan 2030
The 1000 trees being assessed for potential removal by energy companies
Living Cities Summit | Living Cities Summit Final Report
WestConnex | Response letter received on 13 July 2016
Trees along the Cooks River – MD16/4171
Greater Sydney Commission Lunch & A conversation about our city | A Masterplan for Growing Western Sydney


The Queensland Chapter supports AILA to advocate on issues affecting the profession nationally and at a local level. Key advocacy priorities in Queensland include:

- Meetings with relevant local and state politicians and departments including quarterly meetings with the State Government Architect and Planner and Brisbane City Council.
- Advocating for key national priorities - Urban Green Infrastructure and AILA position statements
- Lobbying on key state issues including a Landscape Architect in the Office of the Government Architect, QBCC licensing and the Olympics
- Advocating for representation of Landscape Architects on relevant external committees and panels - Responding to relevant state and local government submissions


Independent Review of 2032 Games Venues - AILA Submission Letter
AILA Games Priorities
Cover Letter - Joint submission to 60 day review


December 2023

Letter to Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate regarding the Currumbin Estuary
Response to Brisbane City Council: Kingfisher Creek Corridor Draft Concept Plan
Response to Brisbane City Council Proposed Citywide Amendment - Planning Scheme - Package Q


2024-25 Budget Submission
Response to COGC on Cavill Mall (AILA GOLD)
Response to Ipswich Draft Plan
Response to ShapingSEQ Regional Plan Update
Response to State Code 23: Wind Farm development and associated planning guidance (DRAFT August 2023)
Response to Federal Enquiry into Australia's Preparedness to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games.:
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Initial Response

Kurilpa TLPI Sustainable Growth Precinct Response
East Brisbane State School Response
 Currumbin Active Transport Bridge
Brisbane 2032 Olympics Legacy Forum
City of Gold Coast City Plan Heritage Amendments
Response to State Code 23: Wind Farm development and associated planning guidance (v3.0 February 2022) 


Response to State Code 23: Wind Farm development and associated planning guidance (v3.0 February 2022) 
The South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009-2031
Petition 3533-21 Requisition Comprehensive Re-Evaluation of GCRT Stage 4 Routes
Letter from the Deputy Premier
Olympic Design Planning Advisory Services
Registered Landscape Architect position in the office of QLD Government request


Brisbane Industrial Future Strategy Response
Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Bill response
Draft State Infrastructure Strategy
State Infrastructure Strategy and Regional Infrastructure Plans
Coomera park 'n' ride upgrade


Brisbane City Council's Proposed Business Case for North West Transport Network
Brisbane City Council's Proposed Citywide Amendment 
Built environment professions want next Queensland government to #BuildBackBetter
Draft master plan City Reach Waterfront | Community consultation five new green bridges | City of Gold Coast - 'Our City Our Plan'
Millenium Arts Project Tree Removal
Economic Recovery letter to State Government
Velobridge at Lower River Terrace


Draft master plan for the City Reach Waterfront
Community consultation for the proposal for five new green bridges across Brisbane
Gold Coast 'Our City Our Plan'
Design-led City - a Design Strategy for Brisbane
New World City design guide - Subtropical homes for a Brisbane lifestyle
Victoria Park Vision
Model Code for Neighbourhood Design
The Spit Draft Master Plan
Queensland Walking Strategy
Southport Spit Master Plan Submission | Southport Spit Master Plan Response


Mt Coo-tha Zip Line
Brisbane Metro Draft Design Report | Consultation Outcomes
Guidance Note for Landscape and Visual Assessment (GNLVA)
Proposed Rooftop Uses Amendment
Sunshine Coast Council Street Tree Master Plan


SEQ Regional Plan


South East Queensland Regional Plan (2009-2031) Review | Position Paper


Windfarm State Code in November 2015
Witton Barracks Site
Queens's Wharf Brisbane | Cover letter


South Australia's New Biodiversity Act

Letter of Support for Landscape Architecture as part of new Adelaide University


AILA SA Advocacy Manifesto 2023

City of Adelaide - Consultation on Draft Park Lands Community Buildings (Sport and Recreation) Policy

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper
Infrastructure SA -South Australia’s next 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy

 Urban Tree Forest Inquiry


The Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority: Review of the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy
Planning System Implementation Review

2022-2032 Cycling Strategy for South Australia
2022 AILA SA Election Manifesto
City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters Draft Tree Strategy


Draft South Australian Walking Strategy 
Riverbank Precinct Amendment Code 
Draft Green Adelaide Regional Landscape Plan (2021-2026) 
Minister for Planning regarding Tree Offset Scheme 


P+D Code Phase 3
Parliamentary Inquiry Natural Resources Committee – Urban Green Spaces (HANSARD Transcript)
Draft Local Design Review Scheme 
SA Parliamentary Inquiry into Urban Green Spaces 
South Australian Stimulus Package 
Draft Planning and Design Code Consultation Phase 3 (Urban Areas) 
Tree Canopy in Adelaide 


DPC for the SA Arts Plan 2019 – 2024 
DPTI for the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) (Development Assessment) Variation Regulations 
DPTI for the Planning and Design Code: Productive Economy Policy Discussion Paper 


DPTI for the Natural Resources and Environment Policy Discussion Paper 
DPTI the Integrated Movement Systems Policy Discussion Paper 
Managing Our Landscapes - Discussion Paper Conversations for Change      
State Public Health Plan 2019 – 2024 
State Planning Policies for South Australia 
DRAFT State Public Health Plan 2019-2024 
DPTI the Accredited Professionals Scheme – Discussion Paper 
Joint Industry Response to the Accredited Professionals Scheme – Discussion Paper (AILA, AIA + PIA) 
DPTI the Introduction to Technical Discussion Paper - Future land use definitions and classes 
State Election Campaign – Seeking party responses to publish


Department of Health - State Public Health Plan: A better place to live
Quality Green Public Space – AILA SA Discussion Paper to inform the Healthy Parks Healthy People Action Plan 2
DPTI - Stage 2 Draft of the Community Engagement Charter 
Five SA projects honoured by Australian Institute of Landscape Architects as leaders in the Australian landscape 
Community Engagement Charter Discussion Draft 
ODASA Design Guidelines 
South Australian Landscape Architecture Awards: Building Stronger Communities
ACC City Bikeways Project 


30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide Update
Celebrating the powerful contribution of Landscape Architecture in enhancing South Australia’s liveability and global profile


Draft Park Lands Management Strategy
Design Profession Maintains Call for Parliament to Commit to a More Liveable South Australia
Climate Change Strategy for South Australia
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill - Exec Summary


Coming soon.


Submission to Minister for Planning on Victoria’s Housing Statement
Submission Offshore Wind Transmission in Gippsland and Portland  


City of Port Phillip Draft Nature Strip Guidelines
AILA Victoria submission Protections in planning scheme


Victoria's 30-year Infrastructure Strategy
Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedges and Agricultural Land


Local Council Elections
Inquiry into environmental infrastructure for growing populations
North East Link - proposed Templestowe Road Soccer Facilities (Engage Victoria)
Barwon River Revetment Designs - Ocean Grove (DEWLP)
Better Apartments in Neighbourhoods March Final Consultation Draft (DEWLP)
Yarra River Strategic Plan (Engage Victoria)


Draft Melbourne Open Space Strategy (M.O.S.S.)
Waterways of the West Advisory Committee (DELWP)
Golf Course Redevelopment Standing Advisory Committee
Land Management Strategy Guiding Principles (PARKS VICTORIA)
Building Better Apartments in Neighbourhoods (DELWP)

North East Link Project Environment Effects Statement


E-GUIDE - How to Vote
Victoria Pre-Election Statement
Rivers of the West Act
Telstra Billboards
Amendment C308 - Urban design in the central city and Southbank
Apple in Federation Square Debate


Federation Square media release
Federation Square submission
Draft Integrated Water Management Framework


Safe and Accessible Victorian Waterways Discussion Paper
Draft Apartment Design Standards
Protecting the Yarra River
Draft Urban Ecology and Biodiversity Strategy
Victoria's Melbourne Metro Rail submission
Infrastructure Victoria
Water for Victoria
Review of the Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations
Western Distributor Project
Level Crossing Removal Project: Caulfield to Dandenong (Sky Rail)
Yarra Riverkeeper Cruise
Plan Melbourne Refresh Discussion Paper


Fisherman’s Bend Urban Renewal Area
Moreland City Council’s planning permit approval of ‘The Nightingale’     
Prahran Renewal Project
Hoddle Street - Punt Road Corridor Consultation
Infrastructure Australia - The 15 year Infrastructure plan for Australia
Better Apartments Discussion Paper
Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal 

Policy & Position Statements

AILA has a strong advocacy voice to assist it to achieve its vision and mission

AILA’s position statements articulate and clarify AILA’s position on a number of relevant and topical issues and have been developed to help communicate these to the public, the media and our members alike.


Climate Positive Design

AILA is committed to the objectives of Climate Positive Design, and support, for AILA members in adapting to achieve climate positive design objectives.

Connection to Country

AILA is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse profession by encouraging and supporting our members to expand their cultural awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Gender Equity

AILA is taking a leadership role to ensure the landscape architecture profession is as inclusive, diverse, and equitable as it can possibly be.