


Committee Terms of Reference

Strategic Plan 2021

AILA is pleased to have launched a revised Strategic Plan

The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) leads a dynamic and respected profession: creating great places to support healthy communities and a sustainable planet.


Principal Purpose

The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Ltd (AILA) is a company limited by guarantee formed for the benefit of the public by the promotion of the stated Objects of the Company and through the coordination and sponsorship of events, ventures and endeavours in Australia in order to achieve the stated Objects of the AILA.

Objects of the Company

  • Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information influencing the practice of the profession;
  • Represent the professional views of its members;
  • Influence government policy and legislation in the interests of its members and the profession;
  • Promote and co-ordinate public and stakeholder confidence in the profession;
  • Establish and maintain high professional standards for its members
  • Provide for, review and/or otherwise help facilitate appropriate educational courses and activities;
  • Deliver accountability and good corporate governance of the Institute; and
  • Otherwise advance the professional interests of Members.

Company Structure

AILA Board of Directors

AILA is governed by a representative board elected by its members. The board is supported in its functions by State and Territory Chapter Executives and Committees on topics of strategic importance.

The role, function and activities of the board includes to;

  • formulate the Company’s Strategic Direction;
  • determine the Company’s governance policies (pursuant to Article 15.1(e));
  • appoint and work with and through the CEO, pursuant to Article 18;
  • monitor and supervise the Company’s CEO and organisational and financial performance and risk and compliance management processes.
  • provide accountability to the Members in pursuit of the furtherance of the Objects of the Company.

Split term director elections are held every year and directors hold their term for two (2) years. Only Full members of AILA are eligible to vote in director elections.

Board of Directors Our Staff

Board Committees

Under the AILA Constitution there are two types of committees, Committees of the Board and Chapter Committees

Committees of the Board

The Board may formulate committees from time to time, to provide advice on matters of strategic importance.

The composition of specific committees and their terms of reference shall be formulated by The Board and will be in line with Governing policies and terms of reference.

AILA Committees

Chapter Committees

Each Chapter of AILA is led by a chapter committee (also known as state chapter executive) which is elected or appointed in accordance with the Conduct of State Chapters policy.

The function of the chapter committees are to;

  • provide leadership, direction and services to Members in the Chapter;
  • be responsible to, and may be directed by the CEO in accordance with the governing policies
  • to provide advice to and facilitate communication between Board and Chapter Members and report to the Board in accordance with the governing policies, without limiting the general powers of the Board pursuant to 15.1(b).
  • at all times in undertaking its functions, pursuant to 21.3(c) act in consultation, liaison and communication with, and through, the CEO.

Chapters of AILA

AILA operates Chapters in each state and territory overseen by a Chapter Committee (also known as state chapter executive), depending on the size of the chapter they may also be supported by chapter staff and/or a chapter manager.

  • A Chapter’s functions are to;
    • assist with the delivery of national programs, and initiating and supporting local programs;
    • provide or arrange for programs to engage wider industry and community and promote the profession of Landscape Architects and their work;
    • represent AILA in public forums and media opportunities consistently with ALIA’s policies
    • liaise with AILA stakeholders in respect of AILA’s functions undertaken at the local level, including by encouraging collaboration and communication between AILA stakeholders and other Chapters
    • any other function determined by the Board in accordance with the governing policies.

Find out more about our Chapters:

ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA

AILA Policies

Access and Equity Policy

Accreditation Policy

Advocacy Submission and Representations Policy

Awards Policy

The AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards Policy

The AILA Awards program has been a strong element of AILA's annual activities for over 40 years. In 2015 AILA undertook a review of its awards program, resulting in a new program outlined in 'The AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards Policy'. The new program is termed 'The AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards'. This policy aims to provide guidance to entrants, jurors, staff and executives on the agreed rules that govern the awards program.

Board and Chapter Executive Expenses Policy

Board and Chapter Executive Expenses Policy 2023

This policy describes the principles around the financial support provided to AILA Directors, Chapter Executive and AILA Volunteers in the course of undertaking their roles within the organisation.

Board Charter

Board Charter 2023

This policy describes the role and processes of the Board and AILA Governance.

Charter For Australian Landscape Architects

Charter For Australian Landscape Architects 2016 (replaces Australian Landscape Charter - Australian Landscape Principles)

By adopting this charter, members of the AILA declare they will provide leadership in the planning, design and management of our natural and built landscapes for the sake of our communities and the future health of the planet. 

Code of Professional Conduct

Competition Policy

Competition Policy

Information for organisations wishing to seek AILA’s endorsement for competitions

Complaint Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy

Chapter Charter

Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy 2016

The purpose of this policy is to help Board and delegated committee members of AILA to effectively identify, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity of AILA and manage risk. 


CPD Policy

CPD Policy 2020  

Designations Policy

Fellowship Nominations & Conferment Guidelines

Gender Equity Policy

IFLA Asia Pacific Region’s Landscape Charter

IFLA Asia Pacific Region’s Landscape Charter

The Charter is the IFLA Asia-Pacific Region’s declaration of a set of fundamental principles to support the active stewardship of, advocacy for, and enhancement of the landscapes of our region. AILA is a signatory to this current Charter.

Members Representing AILA on external forums

Membership Policy

New Program Development

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

Guidance on how to contribute to AILA's State and National social media accounts.