Do you 

  • Love science and design

  • Enjoy solving problems

  • Are inquisitive about the world

  • Care deeply for the environment

  • Have a political mindset, and

  • DARE to change the future?

Then a career as a landscape architect might be for you.


What is a Landscape Architect?

Landscape Architects plan, design and manage natural and built environments. They do this by applying aesthetic and scientific principles to address ecological sustainability, preserve cultural heritage and enhance the quality and health of landscapes.

What do Landscape Architects do?

Landscape Architects design parks, promenades, sporting facilities, playgrounds, nature-based recreation trails, civic areas, plazas and forecourts – all the spaces that support life, work and play outdoors! Landscape architects prepare drawings and contract documents, conduct research and analysis to develop sustainable landscapes and conduct feasibility and impact studies to assess the impact of development.

What are the knowledge areas of Landscape Architects?

Landscape Architects collect and document data through site analysis, considering Indigenous practices, landform, soils, vegetation, hydrology, visual characteristics and human-made and managed features.

Because the knowledge areas are diverse, we believe that everyone can find their home in Landscape Architecture.

What should I be studying?

Good news! Landscape Architecture degrees in Australia do not require you to have study any prerequisites. This means, you can study what you love in your final years of high school before you undertake undergraduate or postgraduate studies. 

Students come from diverse backgrounds, with Design, Design and Technology, Art, Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences Geography, History, Cultural Studies, Mathematics, and even Languages all in the mix.

Some AILA Accredited Programs provide ‘bonus’ or additional points in their calculation of your entry school based on a range of factors. Visit your local university Open Day to find out more details of specific adjustment factors

What if I’m Mature Age?

Landscape Architecture is a profession that attracts mature-aged students. If you have previous professional and life skills and are interested in a career as a designer of the environment and its systems, then Landscape Architecture could be for you. Many universities offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), speak to your local university to find out more.

Why Landscape Architecture?

Landscape Architecture is a growing profession nationally and internationally and has high employability. Landscape Architects are committed to creating a more socially and environmentally just world. They do this through the process of design. 

Being a landscape architect means you can create real, physical change to the environment around you and the communities it supports. You can travel the world and play a critical part in adapting, mitigating and restoring ecosystems and their communities through design. Landscape Architecture is the profession of the 21st Century because we tackle human induced climate change and biodiversity loss through design…what’s not to love?

Where can I study?


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What is landscape architecture

How do Landscape Architects Shape Our Cities, Towns and Regions?

How do Landscape Architects Influence the Health of our Cities and People?

How do Landscape Architects Improve the Environment?

How do Landscape Architects Improve Government Policy and Thinking?