News from AILA Director Chris Tidswell

Directors Message - 29 September 2021

Chris Tidswell, AILA National Director

Dear AILA Members, 

This is my final message as Director/Company Secretary, as I officially step down from the AILA National Board at AILA Annual General Meeting (AGM). I feel fortunate to join the Board and develop and steer strong strategic direction using solid corporate governance. 

Firstly, I would like to thank Claire Martin (Current AILA President), Peta-Maree Ashford (Current AILA Vice President), Katerina Nieberler-Walker, Jasmine Ong and from the previous board term, Shaun Walsh (Past AILA President). They have all supported me in successful and challenging times over the last 3 years.

Secondly, I would like to thank Ben Stockwin (Current AILA CEO), current and past AILA Staff and Tim Arnold (Past AILA CEO). The AILA CEO Position is a very important role for the organisation and we are all grateful for their commitment to AILA and the Landscape Architectural Profession. 

Thirdly, current and past AILA State Presidents and State Executive Committees who are so important to the organisation. 

Finally, I would like to thank AILA Members for trusting in me and showing their support. I feel privileged and honoured to have served the last three years on the board and look forward to what the next chapter brings!

Below is a series of key member updates:

2021 AILA Festival of Landscape Architecture “Spectacle and Collapse: Changing Landscapes” 
On October 13-16th the 2021 AILA Festival is not to be missed. With an engaging festival program of themes and speakers it is sure to be interesting. Register here. 

International Federation of Landscape Architects Climate Action Commitment
The IFLA World Council is comprised of 77 Member National Associations from around the globe. The following associations, representing over 70,000 licensed landscape architects, have formally ratified the Climate Action Commitment, and are working to advance these statements through reduction of their carbon emissions, protection of natural environments, and innovative changes to planning and design – AILA is one of them!

Exciting new initiative coming for AILA
AILA currently has in development a brand new, exciting, and innovative project, exclusively for our members. Members will have improved communication not only with AILA but will be able to connect, engage, and learn with other landscape architects across the country on a peer-to-peer basis.

Please note: We will shortly be calling for nominations for the Honours, Advocacy and Practice Committees. Keep a lookout in the newsletter for details.

Warm Regards

Chris Tidswell
AILA National Director and Company Secretary