News from NSW: Natalie McEvoy, Executive Member,



Natalie McEvoy

NSW Executive Member



12th July 2022


Hi everyone, 
Writing to you this week on Wangal Country I wanted to take the opportunity to bring us together as the celebrations of NAIDOC Week draw tor a close.
GET UP ! STAND UP ! SHOW UP !  Was the resounding theme of the week, and, we certainly did !

This week, numerous organisations including developers, educators and design professionals have been actively engaging and celebrating NAIDOC week - this was especially present across  the Landscape Design industry, with events promoted and shared through media and socials - these are echoes of a conversation I’d like to keep going - as we celebrate the history and culture of First Nations Peoples, I  know that I need to ask more, learn more, and listen well.

The theme this year also highlighted collaborative and cooperative forums - it was great to see so many Landscape driven forums and meet ups that also focused on learning and sharing.

The 2022 Festival of Landscape Architecture is set to take place in person in Brisbane and online on Oct 13 to 16 from  9am - 5pm and the theme is COUNTRY. EOI Registration is now open. This is a call to be involved to in shaping our new stories, learn how to join with First Nations people to gain a deeper sense of Country.  The festival is an opportunity to grow more, get grounded, go deeper.

I encourage you to register and continue to engender the principles of NAIDOC week - celebrate our histories and culture and look for opportunities for learning, connection and community. 

Natalie McEvoy
NSW Executive Committee Secretary