News from NSW: Miriam Enoch, Vice President


Miriam Enoch

NSW Vice President



18 June 2024


June not only marks the halfway point of the year but it is also award month.  

The NSW executive hope to see many of our members next week (Thursday 27th) at the NSW Awards ceremony in Chatswood to help celebrate our many prestigious landscape projects. The online reveal last month gave us all a look into what is up for the awards. It is sure to be an exciting evening and a great way to connect with fellow peers. Tickets are available here.

Our colleagues over at the RAIA (Australian Institute of Architects) have their NSW awards on Friday 28th June and there are a few landscape projects that have been shortlisted.  

Good luck to all those who have entered and keep an eye out on our socials for the winners. 

The national awards are being held in Melbourne this year on 24th October. This years awards will be alongside a one day symposium held in Melbourne – More information on this will be provided at a later date so keep your eyes out for the AILA National newsletter or register for the EOI to keep up to date. 

I would like to formally welcome two new members to our NSW Executive committee. Welcome to Shahreen Alford and Elena Mehrabani, we look forward to working together and continuing the strength of the NSW Executive committee.  

The NSW team have been busy this month getting out and about at various career expo days weather that be at schools or organised events 

Our NSW Chapter Manager Joanna McAndrew and Annabel Murray attended the STEM careers expo – around 400 students and teachers attended and there was lots of interest in Landscape Architecture 

We have also attended South West Sydney (SWS) Activate and have more in the pipeline for the second half of the year like careers days at Epping Boys High School and presenting to Careers advisors at their annual conference. If you are keen to participate in any of these events, please reach out to AILA NSW or register your interest in the BALA (Be a Landscape Architect) Program.  The NSW Exec feels that these events are extremely important to ensuring that we continue to encourage students to take up Landscape Architecture as a profession and this is one way to ensure its longevity.  

Transport for NSW recently released a new document – “Design of Roads and Streets Manual” they are asking for comments – please take some time to review the document and provided any comments that you may have through their portal – you can provide your feedback up to 8th July. 

Don’t forget to renew your AILA Membership subscription – As per Ben’s message last week we want to be able to continue our advocacy work and ensure Landscape Architects have a seat at the policy table. 

Looking forward to seeing many of you next week at the Zenith Theatre for the 2024 NSW AILA awards, make sure you come up and say hi to our Executive. Good luck to all the entrants.  

NSW Vice President
Miriam Enoch