NSW Advocacy Corner

30th November 2021

Valuing Green Infrastructure

If you did not get the opportunity to attend the Valuing Green Infrastructure and Public Spaces policy roundtable presented and sponsored by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), you can access the recording here.

The Valuation Framework for Green Infrastructure and Public Spaces has been developed to provide DPIE and NSW Treasury monetize values to help estimate the benefits of these assets for future business cases and economic analysis. The purpose of the roundtable was to promote the framework, provide evidence to why this important and showcase innovative policy approaches and evaluation methods. The Valuation Framework has been developed with an agreed set of valuation techniques and benefit categories to provide consistent advice for Government business cases however will be available publicly and can be used and built upon in the private sector.

In related news, conversations are continuing with the federal government on the inclusion of UGI as an asset class within IA, including the mandating of a percentage spend on UGI for projects on the IA priority list. The Interim standard on UGI is continuing with it anticipated to be out for peer review in February. Ben Stockwin, AILA CEO has met with federal member David Gillespie MP and Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukka to push the UGI/IA case. A meeting with Angus Taylor is also likely to occur soon.