Landscape Architects Salary Survey 

This is your chance to contribute to planning, growth, and future sustainability of the profession of Landscape Architecture. 

AILA’s bi-annual salary survey allows the profession to take a unique snapshot of salaries, working conditions, demographics, vacancy information and other critical metrics that play a pivotal role in not only the formation of AILA’s key policies, but those that influence the operating environment in which Landscape Architecture exists.

Please take 5-7 minutes to fill in this short survey about your salary and any additional benefits you may be receiving as part of your employment as a landscape architect.

This survey is completely anonymous.
A summary of the results will be made available to members shortly after the survey closes.

The last salary survey results are linked here: 2022 SALARY SURVEY

The survey will be open for the month of July 2024 (from 1 to 31 July 2024 11:59PM AEST).

The more people complete it, the more informed we will be. Please circulate news of this survey to all colleagues and anyone you know in the profession, including non-members.

The survey is an initiative of the Practice Committee, whose role is to develop strategies to improve the support, services and benefits provided to members practices.

AILA appreciates your time and values your input.

Thank you 

Salary Survey

Please take 5 minutes to fill in this very short survey about your salary and any additional benefits you may be receiving as part of your employment as a landscape architect.