Dear AILA Members,


My term as Board Member thus far has been demanding but very rewarding. Even after practising for 35 years I am continually enlightened and inspired by the depth and breadth of our profession, its growth and influences, and the broad approaches and work across our members.


As we prepare for the start of a new financial year, I am excited to share some significant updates and events with you.


NAIDOC Week celebrations
NAIDOC week, unning from 7-14 July, is a time for all Australians to celebrate and recognize the rich history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

NAIDOC Week offers an invaluable opportunity to learn about the cultures and histories of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. We encourage all our members to engage with and support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through the various activities and events being held across the country throughout the week.

Chapter Landscape Architecture Awards announced
Over the past months, Chapter Landscape Architecture Awards were announced for ACT, WA, VIC, QLD, SA/NT, and NSW. All International entrants and chapter Awards of Excellence, Landscape Architecture Awards and Regional Achievement Awards will progress to the National Awards.

A special thanks to SA/NT Executive and Manager who hosted the Board at their enjoyable evening in Adelaide, and who organised a dinner and conversation with AILA members on the evening prior.

Congratulations to all the award winners! Your hard work and dedication to the field of landscape architecture are are truly inspiring.

Of note also, is the great advocacy work our chapter executives and managers are undertaking with their respective Local Government and Industry members. Many key officials attended the awards events and were exposed to the exemplar work of our profession, with one planning minister committing to awarding an annual Planning Minister Award!

National Landscape Architecture Awards and one-day events
The National Landscape Architecture Awards will be held in Melbourne on 24 October 2024. Accompanying the Awards will be two one-day events. On 24 October, the AILA VIC Connection to Country Committee will host an event focused on strengthening understandings in ways of working with Traditional Owners. On 25 October, AILA will host a Innovation Symposium.

To stay up to date with ticket announcements for these awards and events, register here.

AILA Salary Survey 
We are pleased to announce that the 2024 AILA Salary Survey is now open. This survey, which is open to both AILA members and non-members, is a crucial tool for our profession and industry. I encourage all of you to participate, and to share this survey with your networks, as your input is invaluable in helping us understand and address industry trends and needs.

2024 AILA Fellowship nominations
Nominations for the 2024 AILA Fellowship will open on 15 July and close on 5 August. The Fellowship is one of the highest honours AILA can bestow upon registered members, recognizing distinguished service to AILA and the landscape architecture profession. We encourage you to consider nominating deserving colleagues who have made significant contributions to our field.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support. As we move forward, let's celebrate our achievements, participate in meaningful events, and continue to advance the profession of landscape architecture together.

Look forward to catching up at the National Awards in October!

Warm regards,

Cia Flannery
Director, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects

Cia Flannery, AILA FRLA, Company Secretary