AILA announces new President

South Australia-based landscape architect, Ben Willsmore, has been elected as President of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA). His presidency commences immediately and he joins Jasmine Ong, Vice President; Katie Earle, Company Secretary; Andy Sharp, Board Member; and Cia Flannery, Board Member.


Ben Willsmore is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects and Director of the AILA Board, with over 20 years’ experience in public and private practices.

Ben has undertaken a number of advisory roles championing the profession of Landscape Architecture and as an advocate for quality design outcomes. These roles include a Board member for Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority, and a member of the South Australian Design Review Panel. Ben bas been a past AILA South Australian Chapter President (2015-19).

His project experience ranges from strategic thinking and initiating opportunities, development of strategy or master planning, through to the realisation of built outcomes.

Ben’s approach seeks to enable change by bringing together different people, views and expectations to achieve more informed, holistic and lasting design outcomes that are underpinned by a greater environmental response.

Jasmine Ong has been elected to the role of Vice-President. Based in Victoria, Jasmine is a senior executive with 20 years’ experience in design and business leadership. She is a Registered Landscape Architect in the UK and Australia, with experience in government and private sectors.

Katie Earle has been elected to the role of Company Secretary, having been appointed to a second term as a Board Director. Based in Victoria, Katie Earle is a Registered Landscape Architect and Associate Director at McGregor Coxall Melbourne with over 16 years experience in private practice in Australia and the Middle East.

Learn more about AILA's Board of Directors

Ben Willsmore FAILA, AILA President

Ben Willsmore FAILA, AILA President