Celebrating NAIDOC Week (7-14 July 2024)

Here at AILA, we’re getting ready to celebrate NAIDOC Week. 


NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This year’s theme is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud, celebrating the unyielding spirit of communities and inviting all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced. This year’s NAIDOC Week Poster is titled Urapun Muy, by artist Deb Belyea (Samuawgadhalgal, Torres Strait).

NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. We encourage our members to support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country throughout the week. Find events.

To find other important events in your area that may not be listed on the NAIDOC website, simply Google ‘2024 {your area} NAIDOC Week events’. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Our thanks to AILA Cultural Ambassador, Jackie Reilly and AILA Connection to Country Co-Chair, Des Cloake for sharing their knowledge and guidance on all things NAIDOC Week. We look forward to joining the celebrations!