Project spotlight: Bosjes

Bosjes, by Square One Landscape Architects, is an award-winning project that focuses on the revitalisation of a rural property in South Africa. The natural assets of this site have been leveraged to create an agri-tourism destination. The landscape architectural design incorporates restorative ecological strategies to bring degraded land back to life, creating a sequence of landscapes that provide refuge for wildlife and pause moments for people. 

A cafe and gift shop are built into the earth and covered with native planting that seamlessly integrates with the site’s contours. An accessible canopy walk frames play areas, creates sheltered spaces, and provides support for climbing nets. The integrated water management design ensures resilience in a drought-stressed environment and supports the restoration of critically endangered vegetation.

Bosjes was awarded a 2023 AILA National Landscape Architecture Award for International Projects.  Of this project, the awards jury stated:

“With its stunning natural backdrop of mountainous vistas, Bosjes rejuvenates a working farm property near Cape Town into a world-class agri-tourism destination with a difference. 

Offering a broad range of programs and spatial experiences, the project constitutes a series of distinctive micro-destinations linked by quiet moments of exploration through narrow meandering paths and strategically sited to capture the serenity of the surrounding mountain ranges. 

The jury was impressed by the project’s approach to resilience in a challenging environment prone to weather extremes, flood and drought. We appreciated the thorough suite of ecological initiatives to remediate the site, preserve endangered flora and fauna, and establish habitat. 

The project has also provided opportunities for local engagement with schools and communities through working programs on environmental rehabilitation and horticulture.”

To learn more, come along to the August edition of the Project Spotlight Speaker Series, to hear Mark Saint Põl of Square One Landscape Architects as he discusses the project and provides insights into the design process. 

2023 AILA National Landscape Architecture Award for International Projects

Awarded to: Square One Landscape Architects

Images: Dook Clunies-ross, David Ross & Claire Gunn



2023 AILA National Landscape Architecture Award for International Projects
Awarded to: Square One Landscape Architects
Images: Dook Clunies-ross, David Ross & Claire Gunn