A message from Glen Power, Vice President

18 June 2024

As we reflect on the past few months, it's inspiring to see the profound impact our initiatives and events have had on our profession and the broader community. I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight two significant milestones: the Green Pathways, Gold Places advocacy from May and our recent Awards night in June.

Green Pathways, Gold Places Advocacy

In May, we were thrilled to welcome the Queensland Government’s release of the new Connected Precincts Program, a significant advancement for our Green Pathways, Gold Places advocacy. This program aligns perfectly with our vision for a sustainable and connected urban landscape, facilitating the creation of shaded pedestrian and cycle pathways that link key destination precincts.

The Connected Precincts Program directly supports our Advocacy Ask 3 by promoting a precinct-based approach, and our Advocacy Ask 2 by moving towards an integrated Green Grid. This grid will enhance urban mobility and community well-being by providing accessible and sustainable transport options.

As a consortium of the leading architecture, landscape, planning, and design institutes – representing over 26,000 professionals nationally – we are now calling on the Queensland Government to take the next crucial step. We have urged for the establishment of a Design Coordination Unit within the Office of the Queensland Government Architect for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as outlined in Advocacy Ask 1. This unit will be essential in integrating the inner-city precincts, ensuring a seamless and positive visitor experience for the 2032 Games.

Moreover, the Design Coordination Unit will be vital for forging a co-design partnership with Games Partners, especially Brisbane City Council, to bring the Connected Precincts Program vision to fruition. We anticipate the establishment of this unit by 1 July, in line with the formation of the Independent Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority.

Awards Night in June

June marked another highlight on our calendar with the much-anticipated AILA Queensland Awards night. The AILA Landscape Architecture Awards program is a key vehicle for promoting the achievements and work of landscape architects in Australia. The Awards process provides an opportunity for public and peer recognition of our profession’s work, demonstrating to industry, business, government, and the wider community the positive impact we have through the planning and design of built and natural environments.

This event celebrated the exceptional achievements of our members, showcasing innovative and impactful projects that are transforming our landscapes. The award-winning projects exemplify the highest standards of excellence in landscape architecture, serving as benchmarks for our ongoing work. The evening also provided an invaluable opportunity for networking and fostering connections within our vibrant community.

These events not only highlight the dynamic nature of our profession but also reaffirm our collective commitment to excellence and sustainability. As we move forward, I encourage all members to stay engaged, continue advocating for green pathways and gold places, and strive for the high standards exemplified by our award winners. Additionally, please save the date for our upcoming Annual Chapter Meeting on the 24th of July, with registrations to open shortly.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and support. Together, we are shaping a more sustainable and beautiful future for Queensland.

Glen Power 
AILA QLD Vice President