AILA SA Executive Message

As a relatively new member of the AILA SA Executive team, I’ve had the privilege to glimpse behind the curtain of AILA and its inner workings. I find that the only appropriate response is an equal measure of inspiration and gratitude for the rest of the executive members who have tirelessly volunteered time and time again to help support and advance the field of landscape architecture. 
Janelle, Carina, Kate, Rachel, Mauricio, Lyndon, and Sally. You all know them. If you don’t, then please rectify that oversight as soon as you possibly can. They all passionately champion and advocate for the improvement of our profession; meticulously review and scrutinise reports and policies; and selflessly organise programs and events for sharing knowledge. Simply put, they’re great. They are people you want as company.  

Maybe it’s because winter is rapidly coming to an end, but please indulge me this opportunity to continue the tone of inspiration and gratitude. Here are some current and upcoming happenings to stir creativity or be thankful:

1-31 August – SALA South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival
19 August – World Humanitarian Day
30 August – Wear it Purple Day
1 September – Father’s Day
7 September – National Threatened Species Day
12 September – R U OK? Day
18 September – International Equal Pay Day 
22 September – World Car-Free Day

The SAILA Fresh Mentorship Program has just commenced, which is not possible without the altruism of all the mentors. So thank you sincerely for your efforts and generosity. 

It is also the time to start making Christmas plans, both personal and professional ones. Perhaps that’s just being overly keen rather than grateful. 

Hope you’re all truly well. 

Enoch Liew
AILA SA Executive