AILA SA President's Message

12 weeks to go before the end of the calendar year with many important events quickly approaching.

The Voice Referendum

On the 14th October is the Voice Referendum.

Surprisingly to many, support for the Yes campaign by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is not unanimous and varies considerably across the country. However, what has emerged is a strong desire from our cultural ambassadors that members undertake their own research, discuss the referendum widely and form their own opinions. AILA has determined that this is the approach that we would like all members to adopt. Simply following the lead or ‘resolution’ of an organization – whether a business or an institute is not the approach the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are seeking.

I understand that this has caused debate among SA Chapter members and I have welcomed the open discussions which have taken place. While I don’t normally talk about politics, in this instance I make an exception. I have already voted ‘Yes’. For those who know me well, you will understand my personal views and values, and own reconciliation journey which has influenced my vote. For those who don’t know me well, I am happy to share my journey, as understanding our personal journeys are important, and makes us who we are as individuals and as professionals. I encourage all to take a moment and a breath, reflect and listen, and then make up your own mind.   

If you are still unsure on how you intend on voting, I encourage you to explore the information below to make an informed decision.

AILA Festival

The AILA Festival of Landscape Architecture: UN/EARTH will be in Adelaide next week. There is an exciting collection of speakers and engaging events to attend. I’m looking forward to attending, catching up with past colleagues and celebrating the profession at the National Awards. There are still limited places available, so if you are thinking about attending – complete your registration soon. Read More

Janelle Arbon
AILA SA President