AILA Board of Directors

AILA is governed by a representative board elected by its members. The board is supported in its functions by State and Territory Chapter Executives and Committees on topics of strategic importance.

The role, function and activities of the board includes to;

  • formulate the Company’s Strategic Direction;
  • determine the Company’s governance policies (pursuant to Article 15.1(e));
  • appoint and work with and through the CEO, pursuant to Article 18;
  • monitor and supervise the Company’s CEO and organisational and financial performance and risk and compliance management processes.
  • provide accountability to the Members in pursuit of the furtherance of the Objects of the Company.

Split term director elections are held every year and directors hold their term for two (2) years. Only Full members of AILA are eligible to vote in director elections

AILA Board

 Ben Willsmore, AILA Board of Directors, FAILA

Ben Willsmore, AILA FRLA - President

Appointed: November 2021

Ben Willsmore is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects and Director of the AILA Board, with over 20 years’ experience in public and private practices.

Ben has undertaken a number of advisory roles championing the profession of Landscape Architecture and as an advocate for quality design outcomes. These roles include a Board member for Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority, and a member of the South Australian Design Review Panel. Ben bas been a past AILA South Australian Chapter President (2015-19).

His project experience ranges from strategic thinking and initiating opportunities, development of strategy or master planning, through to the realisation of built outcomes.

Ben’s approach seeks to enable change by bringing together different people, views and expectations to achieve more informed, holistic and lasting design outcomes that are underpinned by a greater environmental response.

Jasmine Ong AILA - Company Secretary

Jasmine Ong, AILA FRLA - Vice President

Appointed: October 2020

Jasmine Ong is senior executive with 20 years’ experience in design and business leadership. She is a Registered Landscape Architect in the UK and Australia, with experience in government and private sectors. She draws on her global and varied experience to influence the profession. She is highly regarded in the industry after having worked in London as Director of Martha Schwartz Partners where she was responsible for award-winning projects and for setting up the Shanghai studio. Jasmine is a leader defined by her passion for climate positive design and gender equity, which are well aligned with AILA's strategic values. She drives a culture of best practice, knowledge sharing, thought leadership and succession planning. Having been on the AILA Board since 2020, Jasmine’s continued involvement brings stability and focus to drive impactful outcomes for the profession.

Katie Earle, AILA RLA

Appointed: November 2022

Katie Earle is a Registered Landscape Architect and Associate Director at McGregor Coxall Melbourne with over 16 years experience in private practice in Australia and the Middle East. 
Katie studied at the University of Canberra and then spent her early career in Sydney before embarking overseas to spend the next 8 years in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates where she delivered a multitude of city shaping projects with culture and climate resilience at their core. Katie then returned to Sydney 5 years ago and has recently relocated to Melbourne with her role at McGregor Coxall and is one of three leaders in the Melbourne Landscape Studio. 
Katie is a driven leader with a passion for providing a safe and inclusive environment, to deliver design excellence in Landscape Architecture.
Katie previously held positions on the AILA NSW Chapter State Executive Committee, the AILA ShadeSmart Working Group and the AILA NSW Advocacy Committee.

Andy Sharp, AILA RLA

Appointed: November 2022

Landscape Architects are instrumental in solving global environmental and urbanisation issues. However, as a member-based organisation, AILA must do more to represent those landscape architects that choose to work for government, not for profits and those on the client side. The work of landscape architects is not just about winning awards, but rather about the deep thinking that’s required to develop projects, establish the briefs, and commission private practices to solve those problems. I believe AILA should be doing more to work with the hundreds of LA’s across government and client-side sectors to strengthen our profession. This is my mandate.

Cia Flannery, AILA FRLA - Company Secretary

Appointed: November 2023

Cia Flannery the owner of company Cia Landscapes and Colour has seen the profession evolve in her 30 years as an RLA, to one where AILA's advocacy work in key and current topics have allowed it to gain momentum and a valued voice. 

As current AILA ACT President, National Committee Member for Climate Positive Design Advocacy, design review panel member and design consultant to many key projects within ACT and NSW, Cia is privy to inspiring discussions, with industry, government, stakeholder groups and peers. This awareness and connection have further enhanced to her the need for Landscape Architects to lead policy and governance discussions on all matters relating to urban planning, climate, and environment.

Cia feels that only then will we achieve liveable cities and create balance between science and design and between built and living environs. She would like to value add to our position on all layers of advocacy, to the urgency of climate positive design, and further collaborate with government and related industry to grow and address AILA advocacy work.